Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 15 Sep 2022, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

When you make a complaint about our service - our privacy policy

This content applies to England and Wales. See content for Northern Ireland, Scotland.

If you make a complaint, we collect personal information from you so we can help deal with your complaint.

We have a ‘legitimate interest’ to collect your information under data protection law. This means it lets us carry out our aims and goals as an organisation. We’ll always ask your permission before using your information to deal with the complaint.

We collect your information from you via phone, email, online form or letter - depending on how you complain.

If someone contacts us on your behalf about a complaint we'll get your permission before we log any of your information.

If you make a complaint directly to a local Citizens Advice

Your local Citizens Advice will have their own policy about how they collect, use and store your information. Contact the local Citizens Advice and ask to see their policy - or check their website.

What information we ask for

So we can help you with your complaint, we need to know:

  • your name

  • which local Citizens Advice you're complaining about

  • one way we can get in touch with you - email, phone or address

  • details of the complaint

You don't have to tell us, but we'll also ask you about your:

  • address

  • phone number

  • email

  • problem - for example, whether you wanted help with debt or housing

If you tell us you've a disability or support need, we'll also make a note of that so we can help you access our services.

If your complaint is about advice you received, we might need to look at the information we've recorded about your problem. 

How we use your information

We use the information you give us to deal with your complaint.

We'll only access your information for other reasons if we really need to - for example:

  • for training and quality purposes

  • to include anonymised complaint statistics in internal reports

All staff accessing data have done data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.

When we share your information

If your complaint is about your local Citizens Advice, we might refer your complaint to someone there who will look into it. We'll only do this with your permission.

If you escalate your complaint to an external independent adjudicator, we'll share your complaint information with them.

If your complaint involves an insurance claim, we might share details of your complaint with our insurance representative, ADS.

Storing your information

We'll store your information securely on our internal systems.

We keep your data for 6 years. If your complaint is serious or involves an insurance claim or other dispute we keep the data for 16 years.

Contact us about your information

You can contact us at any time and ask us:

  • what information we've stored about you

  • to change or update your details

  • to delete your information

Send us a message at [email protected] or call us on 03000 231 900.

If you want to make a complaint

If you're not happy with how we've handled your data, you can make a complaint.