Most people need an account with a bank or building society. It's important to have the right information about opening and running an account to help you manage your money properly and deal with any problems which crop up.
Read the following pages to find out more.
Getting a bank account
Information on how to get a bank account, types of account available and switching from one bank or building society to another.
Stopping a future payment on your debit or credit card
Information about your rights to stop a future credit or debit card payment, by phone, email or letter, and how to get your money back if money is taken from you account against your wishes.
Banking – security and fraud
What to do if you've had money stolen, been a victim of fraud or identity theft or if you've lost your bank cards or details. How to protect yourself from fraud.
Complaints about banks and building societies
How to make a complaint about your bank or building society and the standard of service.
Your payment card was used without your permission
What you can do if your payment card has been used for a distance sale purchase by internet, mail order, TV, phone or fax without your permission.